• Chủ nhật, 23/02/2025
  • (GMT+7)
Gía trị của cắt lớp tuyến vú kỉ thuật số ( DBT) trong chẩn đoán ung thư vú

Gía trị của cắt lớp tuyến vú kỉ thuật số ( DBT) trong chẩn đoán ung thư vú

30/03/2020 14:28:25 | 0 binh luận

The role of digital breast tomosynthesis in diagnosis of breast cancer SUMMARY The purpose of this study is to describe some imaging findings and evaluate the role of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) in diagnosis of breast cancer. The study was conducted on 59 breasts of 59 patients with clinical signs or abnormal imaging findings. The malignant or benign nature of the lesions was established by histologic analysis of biopsied lesions or FNA with follow-up. Result : The common manifestations of cancer noted at DBT include ill-defined mass, speculated margins, architectural distortion and microcalcifications. DBT improved diagnostic sensitivity for patients with mass and architectural distortion, and allows a reclassification of the degree of BI-RADS. There was slight to fair agreement for lesion type (k= 0 - 0.25) and BI-RADS final assessment (k = 0.285 - 0.396). DBT improved diagnostic performance compared to MMG, with Se = 94.9%, Sp = 75%, PPV = 88.1%, NPV = 88.2%, Vg = 88.1%. Conclusion: Our study showed fair agreement in lesion detection and characterization between MMG and DBT images. Our findings also demonstrated that DBT is a novel technique that superior in detecting and diagnosing breast cancer compared to MMG, especially in mass and architectural distortion. Keywords : Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), mammography (MMG), breast cancer.
Nghiên cứu các biến đổi giải phẫu của động mạch  thân tạng và mạc treo tràng trên trên chụp cắt lớp  vi tính 64 dãy

Nghiên cứu các biến đổi giải phẫu của động mạch thân tạng và mạc treo tràng trên trên chụp cắt lớp vi tính 64 dãy

23/05/2020 11:24:06 | 0 binh luận

SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to determine the different variants of celiac and superior mesenteric arteries identified at abdominal 64-slice CT scanner performed in 910 patients. Results : 282 patients (30.9%) had arterial variants identified. The most common variant identified was a right hepatic artery originating from the superior mesenteric artery, which was seen in 77 (8.5%) patients. The second most common variant was a left hepatic artery originating from the left gastric artery, seen in 47 (5.2%) patients. Variations in the origin of the common hepatic artery were seen in 10 (1.1%) patients. The right hepatic artery originated from the celiac axis in 13 (1.4%) patients and from the aorta in 3 (0.3%) patient. The left hepatic artery originated from the celiac axis in 4 (0.4%) patient. Accessory hepatic arteries were identified in 53 (5.8%) patients.
Đặc điểm hình ảnh và giá trị cắt lớp vi tính của  bất thường nang tuyến phổi bẩm sinh

Đặc điểm hình ảnh và giá trị cắt lớp vi tính của bất thường nang tuyến phổi bẩm sinh

23/05/2020 12:04:47 | 0 binh luận

Imaging characteristics and the accuracy of computered tomography in predictability of congenital pulmonary airway malformation SUMMARY Perpose: To describe imaging characteristics and to analyse the value of CT-scanner in treatment of congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM). Material and Methods: Retrospective imaging description of chest CT-scanner was done on 61 children patients suspected of CPAM on clinical examination in national chidren Hospital from January 2011 to June 2014. in which 33 cases were diagnosed of CPAM on histopathology. The value of CT-scanner were analysed in diagnosed of CPAM. Results: CPAM is common in right lower lobe. It contains one or multicytic mas (≥ 5 cysts) with cystic wall ≤ 2.5 mm, no private feeding artery. There are statitistically significant different between diameter of largest cysts in each other típ. CPAM is an air cytic (45.6%), air-fluid level cystic (9.1%), fluid cystic mass (27.2%) or complex mass (18.1%). The sensitivity of CT in diagnosis CPAM is 100%, specificity is 75%, and accuracy is 88.5%. Conclusions: CPAM demonstrates a variety of CT appearances based on the type of CPAM. CT has high accuracy in diagnosis CPAM. Keywords: Congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM), computered tomography (CT).
Gía trị cắt lớp vi tính đa dãy chẩn đoán ung thư bàng quang

Gía trị cắt lớp vi tính đa dãy chẩn đoán ung thư bàng quang

31/03/2020 22:08:28 | 0 binh luận

The MSCT diagnostic values for bladder cancer SUMMARY: Bladder cancer is the most common malignant tumor of urinary tract. Most of them arise from transitional epithelium cells (98%), within 90% from transitional urothelia cells, 6% from squamous cells [1]. The gold standard to diagnosis bladder cancer is cystoscopy with biopsy. MDCT is recommended to assess tumor’s location and invasion. It is valuable in stage classification and management decision, especially for surgery. Purposes: “ Describe the MSCT imaging characteristics of bladder cancer” and “assess value of MSCT in diagnosis bladder cancer”. Materials and methods: From 8/2013 to 8/2014, there are 92 consecutive patients with bladder cancer were undergone 64-slide- CT urography. All of them were undergone operation with pathology after surgery. Results: The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for bladder cancer invasion detection were 89.6%; 81.1% and 85.9%. About tumor classification (T), the sensitivity of stage <T3a was 81.8%; the specificity was 89.6% and the accuracy was 85.9%. For Stage T3b, the sensitivity was 90.6%; the specificity was 96.7% and the accuracy was 94.5%. The sensitivity and specificity of stage T4 was high, especially were 100% in stage T4b. The detecting of lymphatic nodules in MDCT was quite good, with the sensitivity was 85.7%. The bigger lymphatic nodules were, the higher risk of malignancy was. Conclusion: MSCT is valuable in stage classification of bladder cancer. Key word: Bladder cancer, MSCT scanner.
Gía trị vận tốc sóng biến dạng lan truyền trong mô gan người bình thường đo được qua kĩ thuật xung áp lực nén siêu âm

Gía trị vận tốc sóng biến dạng lan truyền trong mô gan người bình thường đo được qua kĩ thuật xung áp lực nén siêu âm

02/04/2020 14:13:54 | 0 binh luận

Value of average velocity of shear wave in hepatic fibrous parenchyma by using acoustic radiation force impulse imaging. (ARF I) SUMMARY: Objectives: Evaluation the average velocity of shear wave in hepatic fibrosis(ARFI) according to Metavir classification. Methods: 241 of healthy volunteers with normal liver function test values and 160 patients, diagnosed of chronic liver disease based on serologic test of hepatitis and history of alcoholic abuse, were selected for the study. Among these patients, there are 23 patients having histologic results for grading hepatic fibrosis based on Metavir classification Shear wave velocity measurements, expressed in meters per second, were taken in liver segment 7 or 8 at deepth from 3 to 4 cm below the body surface. Results: Average velocity of shear wave in healthy liver is 1.05 ± 0.092 m/s, of fibrosis is 1.97± 0.59 m/s. A statistically significant difference in shear wave velocity between two groups is noted (P <.001). Conclusions : Velocity of shear wave in hepatic parenchyma measured by using ARFI increase significantly in fibrous parenchyma based on histologic results.
Nghiên cứu hiệu quả điều trị tăng sản lành tính tuyến tiền liệt bằng phương pháp nút động mạch tuyến tiền liệt

Nghiên cứu hiệu quả điều trị tăng sản lành tính tuyến tiền liệt bằng phương pháp nút động mạch tuyến tiền liệt

31/03/2020 21:54:30 | 0 binh luận

Evaluating the results of prostatic arterial embolization for benign prostatic hyperplasia SUMMARY: Objective: To describe techniques and early outcomes of PAE in treating BPH patients. Method and results: from 12/2013 to 11/2014 performed 12 times PAE, average age = 67.1 (51-84), before-intervention average evaluation IPSS, Qol, Qmax (ml/s), PVR (ml), PSA (ng/ml), PV (cm3) are 26.6; 4.8; 8.86; 59; 4.95; 68.7 Post-intervention 3 months decreased 45.86%; 41.67%; 55.76%; 37.96%; 28.75%, 25.47%. Conclusion: PAE in BPH is safe and effective at the Radiology Department at Bach Mai Hospital. Keywords: prostatic arterial embolization, benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Kết quả ban đầu điều trị nhồi máu não tối cấp bằng dụng cụ lấy huyết khối Solitaire kết hợp tiêu sợi huyết đường động mach: nhân 2 trường hợp

Kết quả ban đầu điều trị nhồi máu não tối cấp bằng dụng cụ lấy huyết khối Solitaire kết hợp tiêu sợi huyết đường động mach: nhân 2 trường hợp

02/04/2020 21:17:47 | 0 binh luận

Primary results of treatment of hyper acute ischemia by thrombus retrieve with Solitaire devices associated with intra-arterial fibrolytic with rtPA: Report of 2 cases SUMMARY: Brain ischemia accounts for 85% of brain stroke and this is 3rd leading cause of mortality or mobility in the world. The treatment of hyper acute ischemia by intravenous infusion of fibrolytic (rtPA) has been recently progressive. However, this indication is only selected for the patient coming early during first 3 hours after onset and it also gets some limitations in cases of main artery occlusion. The super selective endovascular treatment of brain ischemia by using thrombus retrieve device (solitaire) associated with fibrolytic (rtPA) has been confirmed to be increased the rate of recanalization and good outcome recently. We want to report our 2 cases of treatment of hyper acute ischemia by clot retrieve with Solitaire devices and fibrolytic with rtPA and review the literature.

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