• Chủ nhật, 23/02/2025
  • (GMT+7)
Bước đầu đánh giá hiệu quả của can thiệp nội mạch trong tổn thương động mach vùng hàm mặt do chấn thương

Bước đầu đánh giá hiệu quả của can thiệp nội mạch trong tổn thương động mach vùng hàm mặt do chấn thương

23/05/2020 10:33:48 | 0 binh luận

Initial evaluation of Transcatheter Arterial Embolization in the Treatment of Maxillofacial Trauma SUMMARY Purpose: To evaluate the results of Transcatheter Arterial Embolization in the Treatment of Maxillofacial Trauma. Methods and Materiels: Prospective description study on 18 patients admitted for maxillofacial injuries with life-threatening hemorrhaging and hemodynamic instability from January 2011 to December 2013, at Viet Duc Hospital. Results: Maxillofacial trauma was caused by traffic injuries (89%). 16/18 (89%) patients exhibited documented Le Fort III fractures. Internal maxillary artery often the most artery injury (77.8%). Transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) was successful in all patients. No complications was found post-TAE. Three patients deaths (16.5%) occurred from severe traumatic brain injury. Conclusion: Transcatheter Arterial Embolization in the Treatment of Maxillofacial Trauma was safe and effective to control acute bleeding. Key Words: Maxillofacial trauma, Hemorrhage, Transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE), Facial fractures, Le Fort fractures.
Chẩn đoán chứng tự kỷ với cộng hưởng từ

Chẩn đoán chứng tự kỷ với cộng hưởng từ

23/05/2020 12:32:24 | 0 binh luận

MRI in Autism SUMMARY The diagnosis of Autism based chiefly on clinical manifestations which are polymorphous. Some years recently owing to the fast development of diagnosis imaging particularly MRI, several articles had demonstrated the morphologic changing in autism. Rely on high spatial resolution, it can find the abnormality in the gray, white matter based on diffusion sequence and displaying neural tractus in the predilection area of autism such as callosus corpus, frontal, temporal, amydal, ROI-based Volumetry, Voxel-based Morphometry, Surface-based Morphometry, Tensorbased morphology, DTI... The autistic pathologic changing can be found by decreasing of fractional anisotrope FA, increasing of voxel-volume, thinning of the grey matter particular the neural fiber deficit on tractography. The equipement must be high MRI unit 3.0T and specific soft ware, however MRI can display the quality variation of the affection.
Nghiên cứu đặc điểm hình ảnh và giá trị chụp cắt lớp đa dãy trong chẩn đoán xốp xơ tai

Nghiên cứu đặc điểm hình ảnh và giá trị chụp cắt lớp đa dãy trong chẩn đoán xốp xơ tai

22/03/2020 20:34:46 | 0 binh luận

The imaging and the role of multislice computed tomography of otosclerosis SUMMARY Objective : To describe the imaging characteristics of otosclerosis and to assess the role of multislice computed tomograph in diagnosis of this disease. Methods : About 45 patients (31 females, 14 males), clinically diagnosed as otosclerosis or hearing loss with unknown causes, underwent MSCT in Radiology Department between November 2013 and September 2014. All patients were surgically confirmed in ENT Department of Bach Mai Hospital or National ENT Hospital. Assessmentis based on the classification of Veillon and Portmann, comparing the differences of hearing threshold, bone and ABG between lesion-type groups and comparing with surgery records. Results: Mixed hearing loss accounts for the highest proportion. Regarding the affected sites on CT, the antefenestrum was affected in 33 ears, the other sites are rare. The otosclerotic foci that greater than 1mm in diameter and not spreading into the membrane in the cochleaare dominate. According to the classification of Veillon, type Ib and II account for the highest percentage. When comparing the average air or bone conduction threshold and ABG between differents groups, there are no statistically significant difference. The diagnostic value of CT scan in otosclerosis is up to 91.5% and its sensitivity and specificity are more than 95%. Conclusion : MSCT is an useful method in the diagnosis of otosclerosis and in the differential diagnosis with others causes of hearing loss. Keywords: Otosclerosis, the role of MSCT in diagnosis of otosclerosis.
Định vị kim dây tổn thương tuyến vú dưới hướng dẫn  X-quang

Định vị kim dây tổn thương tuyến vú dưới hướng dẫn X-quang

23/05/2020 12:20:51 | 0 binh luận

Mammographic-guided needle localization for breast lesions SUMMARY Purpose: By 3 cases of Mammographic-guided needle localization for breast lesions, this article is aimed to discus about the technic and also to evaluate the short-term efficacy of this procedure. Materials and methods: We carry out a prospective study to describe three patients who had this technic done in Bach Mai hospital. Result: Three patients underwent this technic get the hight accuracy of needle localization, all the lesions have been totally removed, histologic-radiologic concordant and no complication . Conclusion: Needle localization with open surgical biopsy is an accurate, safe, and effective technique for diagnosis and treatment of lesions of the breast found by imaging. This technic can be performed under Mammo CR machine guiding and with a series holes compression plate. Keywords: Mammographic-guided.
Đánh giá tác dụng giảm đau của phương pháp  diệt hạch đám rối thân tạng bằng tiêm cồn tuyệt  đối dưới hướng dẫn của chụp cắt lớp vi tính nhân  7 trường hợp

Đánh giá tác dụng giảm đau của phương pháp diệt hạch đám rối thân tạng bằng tiêm cồn tuyệt đối dưới hướng dẫn của chụp cắt lớp vi tính nhân 7 trường hợp

23/05/2020 12:18:07 | 0 binh luận

Evaluation of the analgesic efficacy of the ct-guided celiac plexus neurolysis technique in 7 patients SUMMARY CT-guided celiac plexus neurolysis technique plays a role in the palliative treatment of visceral pain originating from the mesentery of transverse colon (Upper abdominal viscera). From March 2013 to August 2014, we performed this technique for 7 patients (5 males and 2 females). These patients whose VAS score shift before - after were more than 4 points have the most effective pain relief; and those whose VAS score shift were 2-4 point is 5 out of 8 (8 interventions on 7 patients) have an average effect of pain relief; the group rest whose VAS score shift were less than 2 points has no pain relief effect. Anterior approach, especially antecrural, is optimal for this procedure. The total amount of alcohol for each neurolysis injection is 20ml for the antecrural and less than 10ml for the retrocrural. CT-guided celiac plexus neurolysis technique is a simple, less invasive and effective procedure for palliative pain control.
18FDG-PET/CT trong đánh giá giai đoạn và đáp ứng điều trị u lympho ác tính không hodgkin ngoài hạch

18FDG-PET/CT trong đánh giá giai đoạn và đáp ứng điều trị u lympho ác tính không hodgkin ngoài hạch

25/03/2020 21:58:09 | 0 binh luận

18Flourodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computer Tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) for extranodal non Hodgkin lymphoma in staging and treatment response assessment SUMMARY Background: the aim of our study to investigate the role of 18F-FDG PET/CT for extranodal lymphoma non Hodgkin in staging and treatment response’s assessment. Methods: In our center, a total of 38 consecutive B-cell non- Hodgkin extranodal lymphoma patients were newly diagnosed between December 2013 to January 2016. All these patients were undergone 18F-FDG PET/CT scan before treatment, after 3- cycle and 6-cycle chemotherapy. The assessment criteria were followed by modified Ann Aborr for staging and Lugano 2015 for treatment response. Results : there were 13.2% of patients in stage IE, 7.9% in stage II3, 21.1% in stage IIIE and 47.9% ín stage IV. According to PET/CT staging, 56.2% of patients were upstaging in comparision to CT and 26.3% of patients have been changed in treatment’s stratergies. Kappa statistics revealed that CT and PET/CT showed fair agreement for the detection of extranodal lymphoma. After 6-cycle chemotherapy, 26/38 patients had no evidence of residuals or relapse and 7/38 patients showed partial response and 5/38 patients was in advanced diseases on PET/CT imaging. The positive and negative PET/CT after 3 cylces chemotherapy may predicted the treatment’s response after 6 cylces (p=0.4). Conclusions: 18F-FDG PET/CT has higher value than CT for staging and important role in assessment of treatment’s response of extranodal lymphoma non Hodgkin patients. Key words: non - Hodgkin lymphoma, Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography, treatment response assessment.
Điều trị can thiệp nội mạch các tổn thương mạch trong chấn thương tạng đặc

Điều trị can thiệp nội mạch các tổn thương mạch trong chấn thương tạng đặc

03/04/2020 09:14:24 | 0 binh luận

Interventional endoluminal treatment for vascular lesion of solid organ post traumatism SUMMARY: Pupose: Estimation the efficacy of embolization in abdomen injury. Material and method: 37 injury patients were underwent angiography and emboli zation in Viet Duc hospital from 2008 to 2012 with 25 cases hepatic trauma, 10 renal trauma, 2 splenic trauma. Result: All of patients undergone embolization hadn’t extravasation in angiography (100%), no on going hemorrhage required laparotomy. Conclusion: Embolization in abdomen trauma is an efficacy therapeutic method should be widely applied in clinical application.
Kết quả ban đầu điều trị can thiệp dò màng cứng vùng xoang hang đường tĩnh mạch bằng Coils qua 8 trường hợp

Kết quả ban đầu điều trị can thiệp dò màng cứng vùng xoang hang đường tĩnh mạch bằng Coils qua 8 trường hợp

02/04/2020 21:57:18 | 0 binh luận

Endovascular treatment of cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistula using coils through venous approach. Report of 8 cases SUMMARY: Purpose: To analyze technical indication and result of endovascular treatment of cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistulae using coils through venous approach Material and methods: Eight patients were included in the retrospective study during the interval from 2/2012 to 7/2012. All of them were diagnosed of complex cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistulae and embolized by coiling through venous approach. The degree’s occlusion was evaluated at the end of procedure. The clinical symptoms of pre and post embolization were compared. Results: All the patient have cavernous dural arterio-venous fistula (Barrow type D and Cognard type IIIc), in which three cases were approached through facial vein, one case through superficial vein, and four cases through inferior or superior petrous sinus. DSA at the end of procedure showed complete occlusion all of them. Clinical symptoms, such as titinuos, exophthalmoses, and conjunctive edema were disappeared post embolization. One patient has internal strabismus as complication. Conclusion: Using coils via venous approach for cavernous sinus DAVF’s treatment is safe and effective.

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