• Thứ 6, 07/03/2025
  • (GMT+7)
Ghi hình phóng xạ 99mTc-MIBI đánh giá đáp ứng với xạ trị ở bệnh nhân ung thư phổi không tế bào nhỏ

Ghi hình phóng xạ 99mTc-MIBI đánh giá đáp ứng với xạ trị ở bệnh nhân ung thư phổi không tế bào nhỏ

31/03/2020 13:31:33 | 0 binh luận

The role of 99mTc-MIBI SPECT in the assesstment of radiotherapy response in patients with non-small cell lung cancer summa ry 48 patients with non-small cell lung cancer underwent a 9mTc-MIBI SPECT studies before starting and after radiotherapy 4-5 weeks. The results indicate that this method is valuable coordinate with CT in evaluation of response to radiotherapy. 99mTc-MIBI SPECT imaging may be useful to differentiate between necrotic tumor tissue and residual, recurrent lung lesions after radiot Key words: 99mTc-MIBI SPECT scan, non-small cell lung cancer.
So sánh giá trị của cộng hưởng từ khuếch tán và chọc hút kim nhỏ trong chẩn đoán xác định ung thư tuyến giáp

So sánh giá trị của cộng hưởng từ khuếch tán và chọc hút kim nhỏ trong chẩn đoán xác định ung thư tuyến giáp

31/03/2020 13:24:49 | 0 binh luận

Compare between DWI and fnac in dignostis thyroid cancer summa ry Retrospective study on 21 patients (29 thyroid nodules: 21 benign nodules, 7 malignant nodules) who were acquired the diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) with 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 b values and ADC maps were calculated, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) were performed in 21 nodules. Diagnosis confirmed by postsurgical histopathologic examinations. Results: ADC values of nodules provide useful data about the nature of a thyroid nodule, with b200 DW-MRI, the mean ADC values of thyroid nodules were 1.45±0,30x10-3mm2/s in the malignant group and 2.26±0.33x 10-3mm2/s in the benign group, with significantly different (P< 0.001). According to an ADC cut-off value of 1.98x10-3mm2/s, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy in differentiating benign from malignant thyroid nodules are calculated as 100%; 81%; 66.7%; 100% and 86.2%, respectively. The DW-MRI has the higher values than FNAC for diagnosis of thyroid cancer. We can applied DW-MRI for diagnosis of thyroid nodule in the
Khảo sát kết quả chụp tử cung - vòi tử cung ở các trường hợp vô sinh

Khảo sát kết quả chụp tử cung - vòi tử cung ở các trường hợp vô sinh

31/03/2020 13:17:40 | 0 binh luận

Investigation of hysterosalpingopraphy in infertile women summa ry Objectives : investigate the images of uterine cavity and fallopian tube patency by hysterosalpingopraphy in infertile women and learn the involved factors. Subjects and methods : Cross-sectional descriptive study on 157 infertile women examined at Hue University Hospital with clinical examination, history and hysterosalpingopraphy. Results : in 157 infertile women with mean-age 30.4 ± 5.4, there was 5.7% cases with abnormal uterine cavity and 13.4% abnormal tubal patency. In which, proximal blockage was 4.5%, distal blockage and hydrosalping were 8.9%. Some factors included age over 35 years (p = 0.02; OR = 2.49), secondary infertility (p=0.029; OR = 2.27), past history with tubal operation (p = 0.016) or high pressure of pushing fluid (p=0.004; OR = 4.005) associated with abnormal findings on hysterosalpingopraphy. Conclusion: hysterosalpingopraphy helps detect many abnormalities in the uterine cavity and the fallopian tubes, especially in people over 35 year old, with a history of tubal surgery, secondary infertility. It is recommended to indicated hysterosalpingopraphy routinely for these cases for early detection of abnormalities.
Gía trị của chụp cắt lớp vi tính hai nguồn năng lượng trong đánh giá bệnh lý hẹp động mạch vành không sử dụng thuốc kiểm soát nhịp tim

Gía trị của chụp cắt lớp vi tính hai nguồn năng lượng trong đánh giá bệnh lý hẹp động mạch vành không sử dụng thuốc kiểm soát nhịp tim

31/03/2020 13:07:13 | 0 binh luận

Value of dual-source computed tomography for evaluation coronary arterial stenosis without heart rate control medicine summa ry Objective : Accuracy of dual-source computed tomography (DSCT) for evaluation of coronary arterial stenosis without heart rate control. Material and methods : During 1 year (between January 2012 and December 2012), 108 patients were examined by second-generation dual-source computed tomographycoronary angiography without heart rate control at Radiology Departement of Bach Mai hospital and underwent conventional coronary angiography. All the data of DSCT were compared with the result of CCA to assess the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for evaluation of coronary artery stenoses. Resul t: We enrolled 108 patients (65 male, 43 female, mean age 62,9 years). Mean heart rate was 77.4 bpm, radiation dose was 3.66 mSv. Eighty-four patients (77.8%) had good image quality. Ninety-seven patients (89.8%) were identified as having significant coronary stenoses. 11 patients (11.2%) having no significant coronary stenoses. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 93.9%, 93.6% and 93.7%. Conclusion: DSCT provides a high diagnostic accuracy for evaluation coronary arterial stenosis.
Gía trị của phương pháp tiêm diệt hạch đám rối tạng bằng cồn tuyệt đối dưới cắt lớp vi tính

Gía trị của phương pháp tiêm diệt hạch đám rối tạng bằng cồn tuyệt đối dưới cắt lớp vi tính

31/03/2020 13:00:47 | 0 binh luận

Evaluation the celiac plexus neurolysis with absolute alcohol injected percutaneously under CT guidance summa ry Objective: By 3 cases of celiac plexus neurolysis with absolute alcohol injected percutaneously under the CT guidance this article is aimed to discuss about the technic, indications and also to evaluate the short-term efficacy of this procedure,. Results : The pain relief was always obtained during the procedure without any grave complication. This old technique performed for the first time in our institution with a good short-term result made a new hope for patient with intense abdominal pain due to cancer or chronic pancreatitis. Conclusion : This technique was found to be safe and effective in treating the abdominal pain due to cancer or chronic pancreatitis. Key words: celiac plexus neurolysis, alcoholization, CT guidance, palliative care.
Lập kế hoạch xạ trị điều biến cường độ chùm proton bằng hệ thống lập kế hoạch CERR

Lập kế hoạch xạ trị điều biến cường độ chùm proton bằng hệ thống lập kế hoạch CERR

03/04/2020 13:26:53 | 0 binh luận

Planning impt treatment by using cerr program SUMMARY Up to now, beside two conventional methods are using electron beam and photon beam, radiotherapy using high energy proton beam has been attracted more and more scientists and hospitals. In this work, we using CERR program to make a treatment planning. The simulation results show that the treatment plan is better compared with by photon beam. The risk organs surrounding the tumour received negligible low dose. So the side effect decreases significantly. We also make a comparison the treatment planning by proton beam with by photon beam. Keywords: cancer, treatment planning, high energy proton beam therapy.
Vai trò MRI trong điếc bẩm sinh

Vai trò MRI trong điếc bẩm sinh

03/04/2020 13:23:09 | 0 binh luận

The Role of MRI in the congenital hearing SUMMARY In the number of cochlear implants being performed and, consequently, there has also been a steady increase in the imaging, done as a part of the preoperative workup of these patients. High-resolution CT scan (HRCT) and MRI are routinely performed prior to cochlear implant surgery. These modalities help assess the status of the inner ear structures. A few patients have significant anomalies, which need to be assessed and understood in detail. MRI is now increasingly being used to study the membranous labyrinth and the cranial nerves; it provides accurate information and exquisite anatomical detail. This paper is a pictorial essay on the various congenital temporal bone anomalies seen in patients being investigated prior to cochlear implant surgery. There are several complex congenital anomalies that are encountered while imaging such patients, needs to follow a clinically oriented classification of these anomalies, which helps the implant surgeon plan the correct management strategy. Keywords: Congenital hearing loss, Cochlear implant, MRI – CT in congenital temporal bone.
Hình ảnh siêu âm và chụp cắt lớp vi tính nang ống Nuck nhân một trường hợp

Hình ảnh siêu âm và chụp cắt lớp vi tính nang ống Nuck nhân một trường hợp

03/04/2020 12:52:34 | 0 binh luận

Ultrasound and CT image of the Nuck canal hydrocele. Case report SUMMARY Hydrocele (or cyst) of the Nuck canal is a rare condition in female resulting from incomplete obliteration of the canal and entrapment of fluid in the inguinal canal. Ultrasonography play an important role to diagnostic and differentiate from the other conditions presenting with inguinal swelling. MRI and CT can help identify an inguinal cystic mass when sonographic findings are not clearly. A case of hydrocele of the Nuck’ canal diagnosed withUSG and CT scan, comparison with surgery and pathology result at the E hospital. Keywords: Hydrocele, Cyst, Canal of Nuck, Ultrasonography.

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