• Thứ 6, 07/03/2025
  • (GMT+7)
Đánh giá hiệu quả bước đầu phương pháp lấy huyết khối cơ học bằng stent Solitaire trong điều trị nhồi máu não tối cấp

Đánh giá hiệu quả bước đầu phương pháp lấy huyết khối cơ học bằng stent Solitaire trong điều trị nhồi máu não tối cấp

31/03/2020 15:16:34 | 0 binh luận

Evaluating the initial results of the thrombectomy using Stent Solitaire in patients with acute ischemic stroke summary Objective : Evaluating the initial results of the thrombectomy using stent Solitaire in patients with super acute ischemic stroke. Method and result: From May 2012 to August 2013, 14 patients suffered from hyper acute ischemic stroke underwent the thrombectomy treatment by using stent Solitaire. There are 5 males and 9 females with mean age 58.2 ± 7.9. Mean interventional time in DSA (digital subtraction angiography) room was 70.7 ± 40.2 mins. Ratio of revascularization was 80%. After 3 months, there are 9 patients with good recovery (64.3%), 3 patients with slow recovery (21.4%), and 2 mortalities (14.3%). Conclusion: Using stent solitaire in thrombectomy for the super acute ischemic stroke patients is a new and potential treatment including revascularization and clinical recovery results.
Ảnh hưởng của sự tái thông lòng mạch sớm tới tiến triển và tiên lượng ngồi máu não cấp

Ảnh hưởng của sự tái thông lòng mạch sớm tới tiến triển và tiên lượng ngồi máu não cấp

31/03/2020 15:09:23 | 0 binh luận

The impact of early recanalization on the growth and the prognosis of brain acute ischemic stroke summary Purpose : to study the impact of early recanalization on the growth and the outcomes of the brain acute ischemia. Method: Cerebral MRI was performed in 53 stroke ischemia patients (from 1/2010 to 6/2013) with our stroke protocols (T2*, FLAIR, Diffusion, perfusion and MR angiography) before 6h from onset, using 1.5tesla Siemens system. We ruled out the patients who had no arterial occlusion on TOF sequence. These patients were treated at Bach mai Hospital with IV thrombolysis, IA thrombectomy (solitaire stent) or without specific treatment. A second MRI was performed at 24h after onset. The patients were divided in to 2 groups: recanalization and non-recanalization. We compared the mean infarcted volume before and after treatment of the 2 groups and between the initial and the second MRI of the each group. We compared also the rate of hemorrhage transformation and the clinical outcomes (modified Rankin Scale) at 3 months of the two groups to assess the impact of early racanalization on ischemic stroke Results : 53 patients (31 recanilized, 22 non- racanilized). No difference about the age, time from onset, NIHSS, initial volume infracted between 2 groups. The final volume of infaction was 54cm3 versus 141cm3 for the recanalized and non- recanalized patients (p=0.029). An increased volume of the infarction for nonrecanalized patient group (54 versus 141cm3) with significant difference (p=0.0009). There was no difference of symptomatic hemorrhage rate (9% versus 9.6%, p=0.99) between the nonrecanalized and recanalized group. Good clinical outcomes (mRs ≤ 2) was 64.5% versus 22% for the recanalized and non- recanalazed group, p=0.13. Among the patient without recanalization, there were 4 patients died (18%) and 3 patients with mRs 5 at 3 months. Conclusion: Early recanalazation reduces the growth of ischemic lesion and it is strongly associated with improved functional outcomes.
Khảo sát hình ảnh viêm phổi trên chụp cắt lớp điện toán ở bệnh nhi nhiễm HIV

Khảo sát hình ảnh viêm phổi trên chụp cắt lớp điện toán ở bệnh nhi nhiễm HIV

31/03/2020 14:15:01 | 0 binh luận

Evaluating the images of pneumonia on CT Scan in HIV- infected children summa ry Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the pulmonary lesions on CT of pneumonia in HIV infected children and causing agents. Material and methods : Fifty HIV infected children with pneumonia was selected over a 10-month period at the Chilren Hospital N1. All patients were indicated the chest radiogram, the CT with constrate media and the nasotreacheal aspiration to exame microbiology included bacteria, BK, fungus and Pneumocystis jiroveci. Results : Of 50 patients, 62% is baterial pneumonia, PCP 29% and tuberculosis 18%. Lesions on CT included alveolar condensation account for 88%, ground glass 30%, bronchial syndrome 20% and lymphadenopathy 20%. The ground glass lesion present in all PCP, 100%. Eighty percent of tuberculosis children have lymphadenopathy with central necrosis and peripheral enhancement. These two kinds of lesions present a little in bacterial pneumonia group. Conclusion: Ground glass images on chest CTscans may allow confident diagnosis for PCP in HIV infected children. To diagnose thoracic tuberculosis, CT scans are useful to detect the typic tuberculous lymphadenopathies. Keywords: HIV, pneumonia, children, PCP.
Ứng dụng lâm sàng của chuổi xung CISS 3D trong bệnh lý thần kinh

Ứng dụng lâm sàng của chuổi xung CISS 3D trong bệnh lý thần kinh

31/03/2020 14:05:56 | 0 binh luận

Clinical application of CISS 3D sequence in neurological diseases SUMMARY CISS 3D is a fully refocused steady-state gradient-echo sequence. This sequence is now available in almost every MRI scanners and is frequently used to evaluate several pathologies when routine MRI sequences do not provide desired anatomic information. Aplications in nerves include evaluation of cranial and spinal nerves and pathologies, which include neurovascular compression, tumor, traumatic nerve root injuries and compression by herniation disc. The cisternography aplications include CSF rhinorhea, postoprative dural tears.
Ứng dụng lâm sàng PET/CT sử dụng dược chất phóng xạ không phải 18F-FDG trong ung thư

Ứng dụng lâm sàng PET/CT sử dụng dược chất phóng xạ không phải 18F-FDG trong ung thư

31/03/2020 13:59:54 | 0 binh luận

Clinical Non-FDG PET/CT Applications in Oncology SUMMARY In clinical practice 18FDG-PET is applied in almost cancers in staging, re-staging, monitoring therapy response and the follow-up. On the other hand, at no time do all tumors show significant increase of 18FDG uptake on PET imaging. Particularly in prostate cancer, neuroendocrine and hepatocellular carcinoma... In this review we have introduced those already used for clinical applications like 11C- and 18F-Choline, 11C-Methionine and 18F-FET, 18F-DOPA, 68Ga-DOTA-somatostatine analogues, 11C-acetate and 18F-FLT. Choline has indicated a high affinity for prostate cancer, even if low grade being labelled with either 11C or 18F, the former being the preference by dint of lower urinary excretion and patients exposure. The latter is more beneficial for centers without on-site cyclotron. Methionine is required for protein synthesis and tumor cells which have been used for imaging of CNS neoplasms. NET tumors demonstrate an increased activity of L-DOPA decarboxylase, hence high uptake of 18FDOPA. 18F-FLT is a specific marker in application of FLT is lung cancer. Other tracers are used in PET utilized include 18F-MISO, 64Cu- ATSM, 18F-EF5, which highlight the presence of hypoxic areas are useful for radiotherapy. Key words: radiopharmaceuticals, choline, methionine, DOPA, DOTA, FLT.
Chẩn đoán hình ảnh lao phổi trẻ em

Chẩn đoán hình ảnh lao phổi trẻ em

31/03/2020 14:22:42 | 0 binh luận

SUMMARY Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the greates health problems for people living in the developing world. For children the problems are much greater. Imaging methods such as chest X-ray, chest US, chest CT are extremely important tools for the diagnosis of pediatric pulmonary TB. This article presents the common manifestations of tuberculosis in children.
Đánh giá dòng chảy dịch não tủy ở cống não bằng kỉ thuật cộng hưởng từ

Đánh giá dòng chảy dịch não tủy ở cống não bằng kỉ thuật cộng hưởng từ

31/03/2020 13:51:45 | 0 binh luận

Evaluation of cerebrospinal flow at cerebral aqueduct by using magnetic resonance imaging technique SUMMARY Background : To quantify the parameters of cerebrospinal flow at the cerebral aqueduct by using cine phase - contrast magnetic resonance imaging. Methods: Twenty patients with normal ventricule were performed with 1.5T magnetic resonance system (Avanto, Siemens). Using cine phase - contrast magnetic resonance imaging, put perpendicular at the cerebral aqueduct level. Phase, rephase and magnitude images were acquired. The parameters peak velocity, diastole volume, systole volume, net volume, average area were studied. Results : The average speak speed, diastolic volume, systolic volume, average volume, and average area were 4.32cm/s, 0.05ml, 0.014ml, 0.036ml, 0397cm2 respectively. There was a statistically significant difference in peak velocity between the age groups. There were no statistically significant differences in cranial and caudal volume, net volume and average area flow parameters among different age groups. Statistically significant differences were not detected in flow parameters between sexes. Conclusion: MRI is a non-invasive method to quatify the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. Key words: cerebrospinal flow, cerebral aqueduct, cine phase - contrast magnetic resonance imaging, peak velocity, diastole volume, systole volume, net volume, average area.
Đo độ tập trung Flouro-Deoxy-Glucose (FDG) ở bệnh nhân ung thư thực quản

Đo độ tập trung Flouro-Deoxy-Glucose (FDG) ở bệnh nhân ung thư thực quản

31/03/2020 13:40:18 | 0 binh luận

Standardized Uptake Value of Glucose on PET/CT scan of esophageal cancer patients summa ry Standardized Uptake Value (SUV) was determined for 100 esophageal cancer patients on PET/CT. SUV in primary tumors of esophageal cancer was 10.7±5.0; higher than in mediastinal lymph nodes 7.1±0.9; supraclavicular lymph nodes, 6.2±2.5; abdominal lymph nodes 6.9±2.5; metastases of bone 8.0±4.1; lung 3.3±1.7 and liver 7.2±2.6. SUV Index increased proportionally to tumor size, lymph nodes, stage of disease.

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