• Chủ nhật, 23/02/2025
  • (GMT+7)

Một số ứng dụng công nghệ bức xạ trong chẩn đoán và điều trị bệnh ung thư

Applications ofradiation technology in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer


Incidence and mortality rates of cancer are currently on the top of disease pattern and the number is increasing and increasing worldwide. The impact of screening program for early diagnosis has been proved their important roles in the war against cancer because it helps increase the cure rates, decrease the mortality and morbidity rates, and therefore, reduce the economic-social burden. Advances in diagnostic imaging techniques, especially the hybrid imaging (Xray and Nuclear Medicine) such as PET/CT, SPECT/CT, PET/MRI, is important in accurate staging and these help choose the optimized treatment options to prolong survival while improve the quality of life. The treatment outcomes of cancer has certain remarkable advances based on variety of researches to modify, promote and strengthen the traditional treatments (surgery-chemotherapy-radiation) such as laparoscopic surgery, combined chemo-regimens, intensity modulated radiation therapy, volumetric modulated arc therapy, stereotactic radiation therapy, radiosurgery, PET/CT simulation, radioactive seeds implant, selective internal radiation therapy, intraoperative radiation therapy, ... as well as the emerge of new methods such as targeted therapy, immunotherapy, radioimmunotherapy, proton therapy and heavy ion. Treatment of cancer is now becoming the “invidualized treatment” with advances in biochemistry and histophathology that helps identify characteristics of tumors individually . To achieve the most optimal outcomes, cancer should be approached by a mulitprofessional team including

Tác giả: Mai Trọng Khoa

Địa chỉ: Phó Giám đốc Bệnh viện Bạch Mai Giám đốc Trung tâm Y học hạt nhân và Ung bướu, Bệnh viện Bạch Mai

Theo tạp chí điện quang Việt Nam số 19 - 3/2015


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